


item note
20160615 第一版




  • 這個是收錄 “三十三種不用上課就可以把英文說得更好的方法” , 請參考來源
list 原文 說明
1 Record yourself speaking English. 把自己說的英文錄音下來
2 Read aloud, especially dialogue. 大聲唸出來,尤其是對話的部分
3 Sing along to English songs while you’re driving or in the shower 當你在開車或洗澡的時候跟著英文歌一起唱
4 Watch short video clips and pause and repeat what you hear 看一些短片,按暫停,重複你聽到的話語
5 Learn vowel and consonant sounds in English. 學習英文的母音與子音
The University of Iowa製作的語音教學網站
6 Learn and identify schwa. 學習辨認非重音節的中央元音
7 Learn about weak and strong forms of common words. 學會常見的字的輕重音的形式
8 Learn about word stress. 學習單字的重音
9 Learn about sentence stress. 學習句子的輕重音
10 Identify fixed and semi-fixed phrases and practice them. 辨別一些固定跟半固定用法的片語,多練習
ex. on the other hand ,to be honest ,most of the time
11 Learn about collocations. 學習一些搭配詞
ex. heavy rain, torrential rain, pouring rain
12 Replace regular verbs with phrasal verbs. 把一般動詞換成動詞片語
ex. invite = ask someone out
support = back someone up
explode = blow up
13 Learn short automatic responses. 學一些簡短的自然的反應回答
ex. Just a minute
Don’t worry. I don’t bite
14 Practice telling stories and using narrative tenses. 學著說故事,而且用敘述故事的時態
15 Learn when to pause for effect. 學著適時的暫停來增加效果
16 Learn about chunking. 學著適時的斷句
17 Learn about typical pronunciation problems in your first language. 知道一些有關你的母語的發音問題所在
18 Choose an accent you like and imitate it. 選一個你喜歡的腔調,模仿這個腔調。
19 Find an actor/actress you like and identify what makes them powerful speakers. 找個你喜歡的男演員或女演員,找出他們說話有說服力的原因。
20 Use a mirror and / or a sheet of paper for identifying aspirated and non-aspirated sounds. 用鏡子或一張紙來辨別發的音是氣音還是無氣的音。
21 Practice tongue twisters. 練習英文的繞口令。
22 Practice spelling names, numbers and dates aloud. 大聲的練習拼出名字,數字,跟日期。
23 Learn about common intonation patterns. 記住常見的音調的模式。
24 Learn about places of articulation. 學習發音方式的位置。
25 After looking at places of articulation, practice making the movements that native speakers use when they speak. 發音的位置後,把這些運用說出來就像像英文母語使用者說英文的時候那樣發音。
26 Learn why English is a stress-timed language. 學會為什麼英文是個重音等時語言。
27 Learn how to interrupt and interject politely and successfully. 學會怎麼樣有禮貌成功地適時打斷別人說話,插話。
ex. Can I just say something here?
ex. Sorry for interrupting, but
28 Learn about ellipsis, assimilation and linking sounds. 學習有關略音,轉化的轉音跟連音。
TOEIC 聽力的連音與略音TOEIC 聽力的連音與略音
29 Speak lower not higher. 用比較低沈的聲音說話而不是用高音
30 Listen and read along to poetry (or rap songs) to practice the rhythm of English. 多聽,跟讀一些詩(或饒舌樂) 來練習英文的韻律。
31 Learn exclamation words and fillers. 學會用驚嘆字與跟連續句子的填充詞。
32 Learn how to paraphrase. 學會如何重述。
33 Use contractions more. 多用一些縮寫的連音。


  • 這個是收錄 “潔西分享喜歡的字典整理” , 請參考來源
list web
1 Longman English Dictionary Online 這是英英線上字典,也就是只有用英文解釋,不過這是潔西最喜歡也最常用的LDOCE, The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online,
2 Oxford Dictionaries Online 這是英英線上字典,牛津字典
3 ambridge Dictionaries Online 英英線上字典,劍橋字典,劍橋跟牛津是英語出版的兩大出版社,當然也是有名掛保證的字典。